
A state management solution for the Yew front-end library.

This crate was inspired by Redux, however some deviation was taken in the spirit of Rust.

This book is currently in development. If it is confusing in any way, or you have suggestions, please post an issue in the repo or ask in the Yew discord.

Why Yewdux?

State management in Yew can be difficult. Especially when many different components need access to the same state. Properties and callbacks work great for simple relationships, however quickly become cumbersome when you need to propagate state through many (potentially isolated) layers of components. Yew's context manager does a decent job, and is worth serious consideration, however it requires substantial boilerplate and is not that easy to use.

This crate aims to provide a dead-simple, ergonomic approach to global state management. It encourages modular state by providing easy setup and access to your shared state, allowing you to write cleaner code while remaining productive.

It does not try to provide any additional patterns or features which aren't directly related to accessing or manipulating shared state.

Yewdux was built with the following goals:

  • Simple - the only required trait is Store.
  • Ergonomic - boilerplate is optional!
  • Predictable - you have complete control over how state is changed.
  • Selective - only render when you need to (see selectors).
  • Context agnostic - you can create and execute a dispatch from anywhere.
  • Complete component support - compatible with both functional and struct components.


  • Bounce - The uncomplicated Yew State management library